What is the solar incentive in Oregon?

What is the solar incentive in Oregon?

As the demand for clean and renewable energy continues to rise, many states have implemented incentives to encourage the adoption of solar power. Oregon, known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, offers a range of solar incentives to make solar energy more accessible and affordable for homeowners, businesses, and communities. In this blog, we will delve into the various solar incentives available in Oregon, highlighting their benefits and how they contribute to the state’s clean energy goals. The solar incentives in Oregon are:

  1. Residential Energy Tax Credit (RETC) 

The Residential Energy Tax Credit (RETC) is one of the notable solar incentives in Oregon. It provides a tax credit for homeowners who install solar energy systems on their properties. The RETC offers a credit of up to $6,000 or 50% of the eligible project costs, whichever is lower. This credit can be applied to the state income tax liability over four years, helping homeowners offset the initial investment in their solar installations.

The Residential Energy Tax Credit (RETC) is a solar incentive program in Oregon that provides a tax credit to homeowners who install solar energy systems on their properties. This program aims to promote the adoption of solar power among residential property owners and incentivize the transition to clean, renewable energy sources.

Under the RETC, homeowners can receive a tax credit of up to $6,000 or 50% of the eligible project costs, whichever is lower. This credit can be applied to the homeowner’s state income tax liability over a period of four years. By offering a tax credit, the RETC helps offset the initial investment costs associated with installing solar panels, making solar energy more financially feasible for homeowners.

To be eligible for the RETC, homeowners must meet certain requirements. The solar energy system must be installed on the homeowner’s primary residence or a second home in Oregon. The system must be new, not previously installed or used, and must have a minimum capacity of 500 watts. Additionally, the solar panels must meet specific certification standards, ensuring they meet quality and performance criteria.

The RETC has been instrumental in driving the adoption of residential solar energy systems in Oregon. It encourages homeowners to take advantage of the state’s abundant solar resources and reduce their dependence on traditional energy sources. By harnessing solar power, homeowners can lower their electricity bills, reduce their carbon footprint, and contribute to a cleaner environment.

It is important to note that the RETC is subject to certain limitations and availability. The program has a cap on the total amount of tax credits that can be issued each year. Once the cap is reached, no further tax credits are available until the following year. Therefore, homeowners interested in the RETC should check for availability and consult with tax professionals or the Oregon Department of Energy for the most up-to-date information.

The Residential Energy Tax Credit (RETC) in Oregon provides a valuable incentive for homeowners to install solar energy systems on their properties. By offering a tax credit, the RETC helps offset the upfront costs associated with solar installations and promotes the adoption of clean, renewable energy. Homeowners who take advantage of this program can enjoy the financial benefits of reduced energy bills, while also contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

  1. Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) Grants 

The Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) offers grants to support the development of solar projects in the state. These grants are available for various entities, including local governments, schools, nonprofits, and tribes. The grants provide financial assistance for the planning, design, and installation of solar energy systems. By providing funding for solar projects, the ODOE grants encourage the expansion of solar energy infrastructure and promote renewable energy generation across Oregon.

The Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) plays a crucial role in promoting renewable energy development and supporting solar projects throughout the state. One of the key initiatives of the ODOE is providing grants to facilitate the planning, design, and installation of solar energy systems. These grants are designed to encourage the growth of solar energy infrastructure and accelerate the transition to clean and sustainable power sources.

The ODOE offers grants to various entities, including local governments, schools, nonprofits, tribes, and other organizations involved in solar projects. These grants provide financial assistance that can significantly offset the upfront costs associated with installing solar energy systems. By providing funding support, the ODOE aims to create opportunities for a wide range of stakeholders to embrace solar energy and contribute to Oregon’s clean energy goals.

The grants offered by the ODOE cover different aspects of solar project development. They can assist in conducting feasibility studies to assess the viability of solar installations, supporting the design and engineering processes, and funding the actual installation of solar panels and related equipment. This comprehensive approach ensures that solar projects receive the necessary support at various stages, from initial planning to successful implementation.

The availability and eligibility criteria for ODOE grants may vary depending on the specific program and funding cycles. It is advisable for interested entities to regularly check the ODOE’s website or reach out to their representatives to stay updated on the latest information regarding grants and funding opportunities.

By providing grants, the ODOE not only encourages the deployment of solar energy systems but also stimulates job creation, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. These grants enable organizations and communities to embrace solar power and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. The development of solar projects supported by ODOE grants contributes to the state’s renewable energy targets, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and enhances energy independence.

It is important to note that the application and selection process for ODOE grants may involve specific requirements, competitive evaluations, and reporting obligations. Organizations interested in applying for grants should carefully review the guidelines and instructions provided by the ODOE to ensure compliance and maximize their chances of receiving funding.

In conclusion, the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) grants are a valuable resource for supporting the development of solar projects in the state. By providing financial assistance to a diverse range of entities, the ODOE promotes solar energy adoption, fosters sustainable development, and contributes to Oregon’s clean energy transition. These grants empower communities, organizations, and local governments to embrace renewable energy and play an active role in shaping a cleaner and more sustainable future.

  1. Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO) Solar Incentives 

The Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in the state. ETO offers a range of solar incentives and support programs for residential and commercial customers. These incentives include cash incentives based on system size and performance, low-interest loans, and technical assistance for solar installations. The ETO solar incentives help offset the upfront costs of installing solar panels and encourage the adoption of clean energy solutions.

One of the primary solar incentives provided by the ETO is cash incentives based on system size and performance. These incentives are designed to offset a portion of the upfront costs associated with installing solar panels. The incentive amount varies depending on the system capacity and energy production potential, providing financial support to make solar installations more affordable for homeowners and businesses.

In addition to cash incentives, the ETO also offers low-interest loans for solar projects. These loans provide an attractive financing option for individuals and organizations looking to invest in solar energy systems. By offering favorable loan terms, the ETO enables homeowners and businesses to access affordable financing and spread out the cost of their solar installations over time.

Technical assistance is another valuable resource provided by the ETO. The organization offers guidance and expertise to help homeowners and businesses navigate the solar installation process. This assistance includes assistance with system design, vendor selection, and understanding the financial and environmental benefits of solar energy. By providing technical support, the ETO aims to simplify the process of going solar and ensure that individuals and organizations make informed decisions about their solar investments.

Furthermore, the ETO conducts educational outreach programs and workshops to raise awareness about the benefits of solar energy and provide guidance on solar system selection and installation. These educational initiatives help demystify solar energy and empower individuals and communities to make informed choices about incorporating solar power into their homes or businesses.

By providing solar incentives, low-interest loans, technical assistance, and educational resources, the Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO) actively supports the growth of solar energy in the state. The programs offered by the ETO help homeowners and businesses reduce their reliance on conventional energy sources, lower their energy costs, and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future. Through its efforts, the ETO encourages the adoption of solar energy, stimulates the local economy, and advances Oregon’s clean energy goals.

It’s important for interested individuals and organizations to visit the ETO’s website or contact their representatives directly to obtain detailed information about the specific solar incentives and programs currently available. The availability of incentives and program eligibility criteria may vary over time, so staying up to date with the latest information is essential for maximizing the benefits of ETO’s offerings.

The Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO) plays a vital role in promoting solar energy adoption through its solar incentives, low-interest loans, technical assistance, and educational programs. By providing financial support, guidance, and resources, the ETO empowers homeowners and businesses to embrace renewable energy solutions, reduce their carbon footprint, and contribute to Oregon’s clean energy future.

  1. Net Energy Metering (NEM) 

Net Energy Metering (NEM) is a policy that allows solar system owners to receive credits for the excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid. Under NEM, the surplus electricity is credited at the retail rate, which can offset future energy bills. In Oregon, NEM is available for residential and commercial customers with solar installations up to 25 kW in capacity. This policy not only promotes the widespread use of solar energy but also allows solar system owners to reduce their electricity costs by maximizing the value of their solar generation.

Under NEM, when a solar system produces more electricity than is being consumed on-site, the excess energy is fed back into the grid. In return, the solar system owner receives credits for the electricity they contribute to the grid. These credits can then be used to offset the electricity consumption during periods when the solar system is not generating enough electricity to meet the demand, such as during nighttime or cloudy days.

The credits received through NEM are typically valued at the retail rate, which is the same rate that the solar system owner would pay for electricity if they were purchasing it from the utility. This means that for every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of surplus energy generated and fed back into the grid, the solar system owner earns a credit equal to the retail value of that kWh. These credits can be carried forward from month to month or even year to year, allowing the solar system owner to maximize the value of their solar generation.

Net Energy Metering not only provides financial benefits to solar system owners but also promotes the widespread adoption of solar energy. It offers an attractive incentive for individuals and businesses to invest in solar installations, as it allows them to reduce their electricity bills and potentially even earn credits that offset future energy costs. By enabling solar system owners to effectively “spin their meter backward” when they generate more electricity than they consume, NEM encourages self-consumption of renewable energy and helps drive the transition to a clean energy future.

In Oregon, Net Energy Metering is available for both residential and commercial customers with solar installations up to 25 kW in capacity. This policy has played a significant role in expanding solar energy adoption across the state, empowering individuals and businesses to generate their own clean energy and contribute to a more sustainable energy system.

It is important to note that the specifics of NEM policies may vary from state to state and even within utility service territories. The rules regarding credit valuation, eligibility, system size limits, and interconnection requirements may differ. Therefore, it is essential for prospective solar system owners to review the NEM policies and regulations applicable to their specific location and utility provider.

 Net Energy Metering (NEM) is a policy that incentivizes solar system owners by allowing them to receive credits for the excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid. By providing a financial incentive and the ability to offset future energy costs, NEM promotes the adoption of solar energy, encourages self-consumption of renewable power, and contributes to a more sustainable and decentralized energy system.

  1. Community Solar 

Oregon has also embraced community solar programs to promote solar energy access for individuals who may not have suitable rooftops or the ability to install solar panels. Community solar allows participants to purchase or lease a portion of a larger solar project and receive credits on their electricity bills based on the energy generated by their share. These programs enable renters, low-income households, and those with shaded roofs to benefit from solar energy and contribute to the state’s clean energy goals.

Community solar programs have gained prominence in Oregon as a means to expand solar energy access and allow individuals who may not have suitable rooftops or the ability to install solar panels to benefit from solar power. These programs enable multiple participants to jointly invest in a shared solar project and receive the economic and environmental advantages of solar energy.

The concept of community solar is based on the principle of “solar gardens” or “shared solar.” In these programs, a solar installation is built in a centralized location, such as an open field or a large rooftop, and the electricity generated is distributed among the participants. Each participant’s portion of the solar project is typically determined based on their energy consumption or desired investment level.

Community solar programs offer several key benefits. First and foremost, they provide access to solar energy for individuals who may not have the ability to install solar panels on their own properties. This includes renters, people living in multi-unit buildings, those with shaded rooftops, or individuals who have limited financial resources to invest in a full-scale solar installation.

Furthermore, community solar programs foster a sense of community engagement and collaboration. Participants come together to support a shared solar project, creating a collective commitment to clean energy and sustainability. This collaborative approach not only strengthens community ties but also promotes awareness and education about renewable energy technologies and their benefits.

In Oregon, community solar programs have gained traction, and several utility companies and organizations offer community solar options. These programs are designed to be inclusive and accessible, allowing participants to benefit from solar energy without the need for individual rooftop installations. Participants typically subscribe to a portion of the solar project’s output, and the electricity generated is credited directly to their utility bills, reducing their reliance on traditional energy sources.

Moreover, community solar programs in Oregon often prioritize equity and strive to ensure that solar energy benefits reach underserved communities and low-income households. These programs aim to address energy affordability and provide renewable energy opportunities for those who may face financial or logistical barriers to adopting solar power.

It’s important to note that the specific details of community solar programs can vary depending on the utility company or organization offering the program. Participants should familiarize themselves with the eligibility criteria, subscription process, and financial implications of the community solar program they wish to join.

Community solar programs in Oregon have emerged as a valuable solution to expand solar energy access and enable individuals who may not have suitable rooftops or the ability to install solar panels to benefit from clean energy. These programs promote inclusivity, community engagement, and renewable energy education. By providing opportunities for shared solar installations, Oregon’s community solar initiatives contribute to a more sustainable and equitable energy landscape, while allowing individuals to participate in the transition to clean energy regardless of their specific circumstances.


In conclusion, Oregon’s solar incentives play a vital role in encouraging the adoption of solar energy and advancing the state’s clean energy objectives. From tax credits and grants to net metering and community solar programs, these incentives make solar power more accessible, affordable, and beneficial for homeowners, businesses, and communities throughout Oregon. By taking advantage of these incentives, individuals and organizations can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.